Program at a Glance
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Musa, Eretz Israel Museum, Ramat Aviv
13:30-14:15 Registration
14:15-14:30 Welcome
14:30-16:30 Pre-Meeting Course 1 Sponsored by Motiva
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Pre-Meeting Course 2 Sponsored by AMI Technology
18:30-19:30 Pre-Meeting Course 3 Building a Successful Clinic

Thursday, November 9, 2023
David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv
08:00-08:45 Registration
08:45-09:00 Welcome
09:00-10:00 Session 1: Mastopexy
Surgical Video – My Technique for Mastopexy
10:00-10:45 Session 2: Industry Panel
What the Future Holds for Breast Implants
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:55 Session 3: Debates
Debate: Breast Augmentation – Implant Type
Debate: Breast Reconstruction – Implant Type
Debate: Breast Augmentation - Implant Pocket
Debate: Breast Reconstruction Alloplastic vs. Autologous
12:55-13:13 Sponsored Lecture (Sponsored by Chemitec / 3M)
13:15-13:40 Session 4: Tribute to Michael Scheflan and Amiram Borenstein
We Remember and Continue Their Legacy
13:40-14:40 Lunch
14:40-15:40 Session 5: Ideas & Innovations
15:40-16:15 Session 6: Lymphedema
Lymphedema Surgery – Prevention and Treatment
16:15-16:35 Break
16:35-17:20 Session 7: Mastectomy
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
17:20-18:30 Session 8: Best Case & Best Save Breast Surgery
19:00-24:00 Dinner and Night Entertainment

​Friday, November 10, 2023
David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv
07:30-09:00 Registration
08:00-09:00 Workshops - pre registration is required
09:00-09:30 Session 9: Breast Reduction
Video Session - How do I mark My Breast Reductions?
09:30-10:30 Session 10: Breast Surgery
Special Topics in Breast Surgery
10:30-11:00 Session 11: Free Papers
11:00-11:45 Brunch
11:45-12:35 Session 12: The Very Skinny Patient
Tips & Tricks on Surgical Technique for the Very Skinny Patient
12:35-13:20 Session 13: Breast Implant Illness (BII) & BIA-ALCL
13:20-14:30 Session 14: TLV CUP – Israel VS. World – Complex Breast Cases
Meeting Adjourned